Validating MasterData Entities with Firefly Semantics Validator | Task

Ole Ersoy
Mar - 03  -  2 min


We have MasterData entities annotated with Firefly Semantics Validator annotations:

 * The Master Data
export class MasterData {
  gid?: string;
  id?: string;

  public sku!: string;
  public supplier!: string;
  public location!: string;
  public safetyStock: number = 0;
  public leadTimeDays!: number;
  public orderSize: number = 1;

  constructor(md?: any) {
    if (md) {
      Object.assign(this, md);

We want to batch validate the instances, and for each property that is invalid we will produce an instance of the following EntityError interface:

 * Interface for Entity error reporting.
export interface EntityError {
    id: string;
    property: string;
    value: string;
    type: string;
    message: string;


In order to demo the approach we will create 2 MasterData objects:

// Missing leadTimeDays
const md1: any = {
  sku: 'sk2',
  supplier: 's2',
  location: 'l2',
  safetyStock: 10,
  orderSize: 4,

// Missing orderSize
const md2: any = {
  sku: 'sk2',
  supplier: 's2',
  location: 'l2',
  safetyStock: 10,
  leadTimeDays: 15,

The first is missing the leadTimeDays property and the second is missing the orderSize property.

We then create 2 MasterData instances using the properties and put them in an array:

const MD1 = new MasterData(md1);
const MD2 = new MasterData(md2);
const MDS = [MD1, MD2];

We validate the error using the Firefly Semantics Validator validateEntities function:

const EES: EntityError[] = validateEntities(MDS, 'sku');

Note that the second argument sku is the name of the property that maps to the id property of the EntityError interface.

That produces 2 EntityError instances. One for each property that is invalid:

      "message":"The value contained by leadTimeDays, undefined, should not be null or undefined",
      "value": undefined,
      "message":"The value contained by orderSize, undefined, should not be null or undefined",
      "value": undefined,
