Hiding Angular Material Data Table Columns | Task

Ole Ersoy
Feb - 06  -  2 min


We have a material data table with the colums id and Decription .

We want to have two mat-checkbox fields, one for id and one for description that when clicked hide the corresponding column in the data table.


We’ll use a columnsDefinitions object to define which column definitions are hidden:

columnDefinitions = [
    { def: 'id', hide: this.cb1.value},
    { def: 'description', hide: this.cb2.value}

The RxJS merge operator is used to observe the mat-checkbox fields and update the columnDefinitions:

let o1:Observable<boolean> = this.cb1.valueChanges;

let o2:Observable<boolean> = this.cb2.valueChanges;

merge(o1, o2).subscribe( v=>{
   this.columnDefinitions[0].hide = this.cb1.value;
   this.columnDefinitions[1].hide = this.cb2.value;

Finally we’ll filter the columnDefinitions to get the columns we want to display:

getDisplayedColumns():string[] {
    return this.columnDefinitions.filter(cd=>!cd.hide).map(cd=>cd.def);

And we’ll use getDisplayedColumns in our template like this:

<mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="getDisplayedColumns()">
<mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: getDisplayedColumns()"></mat-row>


Simpler Demo

This demo is shorter. It uses a displayedColumns$:Observable<string[]> to display the columns.

This should be better from a performance point of view, since the getDisplayedColumns() function will not be called on all state changes.